7. What Alberta's Government Does

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What Does the Alberta Government Do?

The Alberta government makes laws and runs programs to make life better for people in Alberta.

Here are some of the current Ministries and programs you may know about and use.

Community and Social Services Services includes these programs:
  • Disability Programs: AISH, PDD, Public Guardian & Trustee
  • Social Programs: Homeless, Jobs, Income Support
  • Child & Family Supports

Health includes these programs:
  • Alberta Health Services, Alberta Aids to Daily Living
  • Seniors Services
  • Protection for Persons in Care
Service Alberta includes these programs:
  • Landlord & Tenant Relations
  • Licenses & Records: Drivers License, ID Cards, Marriage
  • Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy (FOIPP), Government Transparency

Treasury Board & Finance includes these programs:
  • Government Budget - Income and Costs
  • Provincial Taxes

Municipal Affairs includes these programs:
  • Affordable Housing
  • Safety Codes
  • Grants to towns for projects and emergencies

Justice & Solicitor General includes these programs:
  • Human Rights Education
  • Criminal and Civil Courts, Legal Aid, Jury Duty
  • Jails

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What Does Your MLA Do?

Most weeks MLAs spend Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon in the Legislature.
  • They answer each other’s questions.
  • They share what is happening in their riding.
  • They decide what bills should become laws.
  • They decide if the budget is OK.
Only MLAs can talk in the legislature. Visitors must be quiet.

Each party has its own meeting called a caucus meeting Thursday mornings and sometimes for an hour Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

They tell the other members of their party what citizens have told them about problems and concerns. They share good ideas, too. Then they plan what they think is best so that they all say the same thing about important issues.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, MLAs also have committee meetings. After a bill is introduced in the Legislature, the committees make changes until they think it is right. They listen to experts and other citizens and ask them questions. Most committees have MLAs from all the parties, not just the party in power. They also use the mornings to read reports and meet with staff or other people.

They may also have committee meetings in the evening or attend other events.

They drive home to their riding on Thursday evening.

They spend Fridays meeting with people like you who may need help or have good ideas for laws and programs. They also attend events in their community on the weekend.
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You Can Hear and See What Alberta's Government Does

Many meetings of the Alberta Legislature and its committees are recorded. You can see or hear them on a computer with the Internet.

The website is http://assemblyonline.assembly.ab.ca.

Use the little calendar to pick a month.

The big calendar tells you what past meetings you can watch and what future meetings are planned.
Here is a little bit from Question Period in the Legislature.

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