19. Make Your Action Plan

Workbook Page 52

Now it is time to take your ideas about what to change from section 2 of this workshop and turn it into a personal Action Plan. Answer these questions on Page 52 of the workbook or a sheet of paper:

1. What do you want to change? What results do you want?

2. Who do you need to talk to?
     a. Which level of government?
     b. Which person?

3. What actions will work?
     a. Do you first need to raise awareness or are people aware?
     b. Do you need to educate others about the issue or do they know a lot?
     c. Are you ready to solve the problem together?

4. What help do you need? Who knows what to do?

5. What actions will you take, and by what date, to meet your goal?

     Action                                                                                   By When

Put your plan where you see it every day. Get others to help you.